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(“Tekona coming your way soon, James!”)
“Hahaha… thank god, I’m going thru withdrawals!

James Williamson


Thanks to my recent shipment, I am back in my sweet coffee bliss with Tekona in the morning. While there are many Kona coffees to choose from, I find Tekona to have that extra special something that sets it apart. Whatever you're doing, it's working...

James Williamson​​

We're out!!! 

Please cancel the rest of the tour, hightail it back to Hawaii and express mail me some Joe for delivery this afternoon!! What? You wont or cant do that?? Then please let me know when you have beans ready to send. Thanks so much! Hope you're both well.


Thank you for always keeping us in mind for your wonderful coffee, it is AMAZING!!

The only time in my life I can drink it black!

Robert Jaz


We are thrilled to have a batch of your amazing and perfect coffee.  It makes me feel like I'm on a veranda with a steaming mug and a perfect  ocean sunrise.  Aloha!

Jackie Cleary


Hello Anne and Deniz,

We have really been enjoying your coffee.  It’s extra special knowing that you two used your skill, care and hard work in creating it.  Best wishes on your new endeavors!



DnA - I am enjoying a freshly ground and brewed cup of Tekona medium. It's fabulous! Perfect morning for it, cool and rainy. I am savoring. Elizabeth is in for a treat when she awakens. 

Geoff Ginsberg


I absolutely love your coffee. So rich and smooth. Makes the morning happy from the first sip!

Your friend, Don Arthur


It's arrived, Hurrah

I don't think I have ever had any of the famous Kona coffee before and it really is very special. How nice knowing its exact provenance with pictures to go with it! Life is all about experiences and I just have had yet one more fab one. Thanks Anne 

Tony (UK)


I'm loving your Coffee! Excellent! 

Timothy Gavin


I am enjoying your first Harvest immensely.  Thank you  !!!

Timothy Gavin


Maureen LOVES it!

Blair Buscanero


I didn't want to embarrass myself by saying it was the best coffee I ever had, but really, it is. My wife said it out loud first so that opened the door for me. 

Geoff Ginsberg


Hey guys, Maureen gave me some of your coffee to try, very good!

Scott Morgan


We got the coffee on Monday and we've been loving it every morning this week. 

It's possible at some point I'll be used to it as a regular thing, but at this stage we are literally giddy when we have it. And I will take giddy any way I can get it. (The country is literally crumbling around us and we're like "Haha! Pass the half and half...")

Thanks again... utterly stellar.

Geoff Ginsberg


Tekona Coffee ROCKS! We moved from Medium Roast to Full City Roast this weekend and Robert Jaz now declares this roast to be “the best cup of coffee, ever.”  😄 I typically drink my coffee black anyway, but Robert, who usually takes milk and sugar in his coffee, also drank his black and LOVED it. It doesn’t need a single thing added to it, it is perfect as it is. Thanks again, Anne and Deniz Tek!  ❤️ ☕️

Emily Seah


My boyfriend took it seriously to give you some feedback and wrote some notes I will translate from spanish for you: 

"Light and delicate aroma. Precise roast, not burnt.

Persistent taste in mouth. A bitter touch too, delicate, long and not too acrid, which is welcomed. It doesn't leave a rough taste in the palate but it does leave an aftertaste somehow bitter and sweet at the same time. Very pleasant and distinctive from other coffees. I can notice the varietal touch that differs from other beans of similar origin but mixed with other  varieties of coffees of the world."  

You see, he considers himself a connoisseur of wine and coffee...

All I can say is that I'm a tea person (lol) but this Hawaiian coffee is #3 in my top 5 (after the Jamaican Blue Mountains coffee and some organic coffee beans I brought from Colombia years ago).

So...congrats on your coffee adventure and I hope you will get a lot of pleasure from it for many years to come!


Isabel (Spain)

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